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Bacopa Monnieri also known as Brahmi, Indian Pennywort, Water Hyssop and Herb of Grace is a perennial herb found natively in the wetlands of southern and eastern India, Africa, Australia, Europe and America.

It has no odor, leaves that are succulent and thick and arranged opposite to each other on the stem, small actinomorphic white flowers and propagation through cuttings. It has an ability to grow even under water making it a plant of choice for aquariums. Chief flowering for this plant occurs in September- October with sporadic flowering throughout the year. Fruits emerge simultaneously with flowering. It is an herb abundantly found in the monsoon season due to ideal climatic conditions for its growth.

Therapeutic uses of Bacopa Monnieri include its action on the brain, nerves and on the cardiac tissues making it a potent tonic for memory, concentration, alertness and helps prevent insomnia and anxiety.

B Jain Bacopa Monnieri Homeopathy Medicine is available in the form of Bacopa Monnieri Mother Tincture, Bacopa Monnieri Dilutions, Bacopa Monnieri Trituration Tablets and also as Bacopa Monnieri 1X Tablets.

It acts as a brain tonic by helping with the following:

Improves memory and concentration
Improves mental performance and productivity
Useful after injuries when nervous system is involved to bring about a speedy recovery
Helps prevent nervous breakdowns
Helps avoid nervous debility and weakness
Action of this remedy to help with the given functions is as follows:

Anti-Oxidant Activity: It contains powerful anti-oxidants called Bacosides that protect against cell damage. Prevents free radical injury by neutralizing them. It does so by preventing fat molecules from reacting with these free radicals.
Anti-Inflammatory Activity: It helps prevent pain and inflammatory enzymes and cytokines from acting on the body hence protecting the body against chronic inflammatory effects even of a mild character.
Enhancing Brain function: A study on mice showed that supplementing their diet with Bacopa Monnieri helped improve their spatial functioning and retention of memory.
Reducing Hyperactivity: Although more detailed studies are required, some have shown that Bacopa Monnier has the potential to reduce hyperactivity, hypersensitivity and inattentiveness. It can hence be used for restlessness, impulsivity and poor self-control.
Prevent Anxiety and Stress: Bacopa Monnieri is considered to be an adaptogenic herb which means that it helps deal with stress.
Bacopa Monnieri Homeopathy Medicine is a wonder herb but it is definitely recommended to consult your physician before starting on its supplements if there is an underlying condition suspected or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation. ?

Trituration is a process of preparation of Homoeopathic medicines in which the homeopathic medicines are grinded alongwith sugar of milk in a mortar and pestle thereby reducing the drug substance into finest powder. Speciality of B. Jain Trituration Tablets Prepared as per Hahnemannian method of trituration Complete one hour batch trituration Pure HMS Lactose used as base Soft & easily dissolving tablets Packed in Easy to hold & dispense containers, with minimum chances of contamination. The procedure followed assures reproducible quality of each tablet


Influence on learning abilities








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