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Recurrent tonsillitis
Breathing Difficulties
Mouth Ulcer

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Indications: B Jain Baryta Carbonica is indicated in infancy and in old age. It helps in dwarfish and slow children who have an impaired development on all fronts be it physically or emotionally. Tendency to take cold easily, bleeding gums and tendency to suppuration is marked. Offensive foot sweats and weakness with tendency to lie down are important indicators.

Mind: Loss of memory, weakness, indecisive, no confidence on themselves. Averse to strangers, childish.

Head: Vertigo and headache from standing in the sun, brain feels loose. Falling out of hair.

Nose: Dry, sneezing, coryza with swelling of lip and nose. Thick and yellow mucus is discharged. Bleeding from the nose.

Mouth: Bleeding from gums, toothache before menses. Foul taste in the mouth, pain at the tip of tongue, dribbling of saliva.

Throat: Swelling of glands, tendency to take cold, suppurating tonsils. Difficulty in swallowing. Sensation of a plug in the throat. Can swallow liquids only. Food causes gagging and choking. Throat issues from overuse of voice. Stinging pains in tonsils.

Abdomen: Hard and tense abdomen with colicky pains. Pain in abdomen on swallowing food, regular colic with huger but food intake causes trouble. Acidity and eructation that relieve pressure in abdomen. Complaints worse after warm food.

Rectum: Constipation with hard and knotty stools. Hemorrhoids that protrude on urination with crawling and oozing in the anus.

Urinary: Piles come down on urinating. Burning in urethra on urination.

Respiratory: Dry and suffocative cough. Mucus rale but difficulty in expectoration from weakness. Worse on change of weather. Chest feels full of smoke, chronic loss of voice from cold.

Chest: Stitches in the chest that are worse on inspiration, palpitation and distress in region of the heart. Palpitations worse on lying on the left side. Symptoms of the chest after suppressed foot sweat.

Back: Fat deposits at the back of the neck. Stiffness in the lower back, weakness of the spine.

Extremities: Cold and clammy feet with pain in armpits. Fetid foot odor. Numbness from knees till the groin. Soles painful on walking. Pain in joints.

Sleep: Talking in sleep, wakes up due to heat. Twitching in sleep.

Worse on thinking of symptoms, from washing and from lying on painful side.

Better walking in open air.

B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation. ?

Trituration is a process of preparation of Homoeopathic medicines in which the homeopathic medicines are grinded alongwith sugar of milk in a mortar and pestle thereby reducing the drug substance into finest powder. Speciality of B. Jain Trituration Tablets Prepared as per Hahnemannian method of trituration Complete one hour batch trituration Pure HMS Lactose used as base Soft & easily dissolving tablets Packed in Easy to hold & dispense containers, with minimum chances of contamination. The procedure followed assures reproducible quality of each tablet


Recurrent tonsillitis
Breathing Difficulties
Mouth Ulcer








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