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Acidum Nitricum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Acidum Nitricum is a homeopathic remedy prepared by potentizing nitric acid. Potentization is a homeopathic process; it stimulates seemingly non-medicinal substances into acquiring medicinal properties by virtue of standardized methods. In homeopathy, Acidum Nitricum is used for a wide range of therapeutic applications.

ACIDUM NITRICUM USES: Acidum Nitricum is a primarily syphilitic remedy, which in homeopathic language means that it has an affinity for destructive, ulcerating, and excoriating processes. All the body discharges under this remedy are offensive. Blisters and ulcers which bleed easily are common. Pains are characteristically splinter-like. Some symptoms falling under this medicine are:

The patient is irritable, hopeless, vindictive, and fearful of death. He irrationally fears cancer and hops from one doctor to another.
Patient is also oversensitive to noise, pain, touch, etc.
Discharges from all orifices are thick and fetid and have splinter-like pains.
Patient craves indigestible things like chalk, earth, etc.
Painful hemorrhoids with fissures, constipation and violent cutting pains that last long after stools have been passed.
Strong and offensive urine that causes burning in the parts.
Loss of voice, dry hacking cough and shortness of breath.
Ulcers with irregular edges, offensive discharges, and splinter-like pains. Warts.
The medicine especially affects the areas where skin meets mucous membranes.
From a clinical viewpoint, some conditions that can be treated by this remedy are hemorrhoids, warts, diarrhea, bronchitis, dysentery, fistulae, corns, arthritis, and many more.
DOSAGE: The dosage of Acidum Nitricum homeopathic medicine, like any other homeopathic remedy, depends on the symptoms and on the patient. Sometimes the medicine may be given in low potencies with frequent repetitions. Other times, a single dose of high potency may be prescribed for a long period of time. The choice of dose, potency and repetition is best made by a homeopathic practitioner. It is always advised to consult your doctor rather than self-medicate.

FORM OF TAKING: The most common mode of taking the medicine is in the form of pills. Globules in a range of sizes are medicated with the homeopathic dilutions and then ingested as prescribed, generally twice or thrice a day. The medicine may also be administered in liquid form by mixing few drops in water. The mode of intake and dosage (see below) depend upon the age, sensitivity, and symptoms of the patient, among other factors.

SIDE EFFECTS: Like with other homeopathic remedies, side effects of Acidum Nitricum are barely seen. It does no harm to children, pregnant or even lactating women and remains safe for old people as well. That being said, overdosing or self-medicating with homeopathic medicine is not advised. Medicine must always be taken in the exact dose prescribed and on the advice of a licensed doctor.

Once you have been prescribed Acidum Nitricum by a homeopathic physician, you may get the same in the advised potency either from your local licensed homeopathic pharmacy, or you may order the same online from Schwabe India. Schwabe India products have the advantage of being manufactured strictly as per homeopathic norms and are the best option for all your homeopathic needs.








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, 6C


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