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Agaricus Muscarius is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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INTRODUCTION: Agaricus Muscaris is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a fungus. The raw material is made curative by a homeopathic process called potentization which removes the harmful properties of the substance and enhances the therapeutic action. Read on to learn more about Agaricus Muscaris benefits.

AGARICUS MUSCARIUS USES: Agaricus Muscaris is a homeopathic remedy that primarily affects the nervous system as well as the skin. Following are some of the symptoms covered under this remedy:

Various forms of neuralgia and nervous affections come under the scope of this remedy. Vertigo, delirium, lowered reflexes, twitching, trembling, neuralgia, and spasmodic affections are all proven to be cured by this remedy.
Patient is excessively talkative, delirious, fearless.
Headache and sensation of fainting from sunlight.
Burning and itching in ears, margins of eyelids, and nose.
Facial neuralgia, itching and burning.
Vesicular eruptions on the lips.
Spasmodic contractions of stomach and hiccoughs of nervous origin.
Complaints after childbirth and coition. Discharge per vagina with itching.
Frequent urination with itching in urethra.
Violent and spasmodic cough at night after falling asleep.
Irregular and intermittent pulse and feeling of oppression in the chest.
Cramps in calves and stiffness of joints.
Agaricus Muscaris has a wide range of action on the skin and cures conditions such as frostbites, pimples, chilblains, pimples, and rashes.
Sleeplessness, and restlessness with itching and burning of the skin.
Varicose veins and different types of edema are also covered by this remedy.
Chronic lung infections can also be treated by the use of this medicine, when symptoms correspond.
Its utility has also been seen in the complaints of anemia.
DOSAGE: The dosage of Agaricus Muscaris, like all homeopathic remedies, depends on the age and symptoms of the patient. The choice of potency is made similarly as different potencies may have different spheres of action, e.g. the benefits of Agaricus Muscaris 200 may be different from Agaricus Muscarius 30 uses. Hence, it is advised to take medicines only as per your physician?s advice.

SIDE EFFECTS: Homeopathic remedies barely show any side effects. Such is also the case with Agaricus Muscaris. It is safe for intake by people of all age groups. There are no contra-indications, not even for pregnant and lactating women, or the elderly.

Visit your homeopathic physician to get accurate diagnoses and appropriate medication advice. Purchase genuine quality homeopathic remedies by Schwabe India from Schwabe India. Self-medication is not recommended.








1M, 200C, 30C, 6C


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