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Acidum Aceticum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Acidum Aceticum is also known as ethanoic acid or glacial acetic acid. Its chemical formula is CH3COOH. It is the most important amongst all carboxylic acid. Vinegar is a dilute solution of acetic acid (5 percent by volume approximately), which is produced by fermentation and oxidation of carbohydrates. Any salt, acylal, or ester of Acetic acid is known as acetate. Various preparation of Acetic acid is used industrially in the preparation of plastics, photographic films, and textiles, as solvents for paints, and in certain printing processes. Biologically Acidum Aceticum is a significant metabolic intermediate and is found in body fluids and plant juices.

What are the various uses and benefits of Acidum Aceticum in homeopathy?
. The various Acidum Aceticum 30 uses in homeopathy are seen in the treatment of anemia, diabetes, dropsy, diphtheria, fevers, phthisis, scalds, stings, nevus, warts, and corns. In homeopathy distilled water is used for preparation of attenuation 1X. Very dilute spirit is used for the preparation of potency 3X up to 4. Rectified spirit is used for preparation of potency 5 and higher. Acetic acid is commonly used in 30C potency

What are the characteristic indications for the prescription of Acidum Aceticum?
There are various characteristic symptoms indicative of Acidum Aceticum in any given case. These include:-

It is used when there is excessive wasting and debility associated with presenting complaint.

In anemia, it is indicated when there is waxy pallor of the face.

In cancer of the stomach Acetic acid is indicated when there are gnawing, burning, and ulcerative pains in the stomach. There is sour rising, nausea and retching along with burning in the throat, and intense thirst.

It is indicated in fever with night sweat.

It is indicated when there is diarrhea with great thirst and patient drinks large quantity of water with apparent impunity. Diarrhea is associated with swelling of legs and feet. Colic pain with tenderness of the abdomen is often found with diarrhea in this drug.

It is indicated in diabetes when urine is increased in quantity and is pale in colour. Along with this, there is intense unquenchable thirst.

What kind of patient best respond to the action of Acidum Aceticum?
It is best suited to the complaints of children and old people. Also, lax, pale, and lean persons respond very well to the action of Acidum Aceticum. Complaints of phthisical subjects such as diarrhea with swelling of legs and feet are well treated with Acidum Aceticum.

Acidum Aceticum homeopathy medicine has a wide variety of uses. It is used in different potencies like 30, 200, 1M, etc. It responds very well when there is profound anaemia with waxy pallor of face, great emaciation, and excessive debility frequent spells of fainting, difficulty in breath, profuse urination, and sweat. It is a very good remedy for dropsical affection with swelling of legs and feet. It also had anti-haemorrhagic properties. Not only this Acidum Aceticum antidotes anaesthetic vapors; fumes of charcoal and gas, narcotics, and sausage poisoning.








1M, 200C, 30C, 6C


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