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Bronchial affection
Increased uric acid

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Indications: B Jain Pharmaceuticals Baryta Muriatica is indicated in complaints of old people and those with slow development on both the mental and physical planes. It is also very helpful in cases of gastric troubles with pain immediately after eating, tenderness and also in chronic hypertrophy of the tonsils. Characteristic symptom includes icy coldness of the body with paralysis. Muscle power weak although mentally still sensible. It is an excellent remedy for children with tonsils and adenoids who go about with their mouth open and talk through the nose along with difficulty in hearing.

Ears: Whizzing and buzzing in the ears, noises on chewing and swallowing as well as on sneezing. Pain in the ears, better by sipping cold water. Parotids swell. Offensive discharge from the ears, ears feel blocked on blowing the nose.

Throat: Difficulty in swallowing, enlarged tonsils with sneezing causing Eustachian tubes to weaken and they feel too wide open.

Respiratory: Bronchial affections of old people with accumulation of a great amount of mucus along with rattling and difficulty in expectoration.

Abdomen: All gone feeling in the abdomen. Retching and vomiting with a sensation of head ascending to the head from the abdomen. Throbbing felt in the abdomen, pain in spasms in the rectum. Glands in the groin region swell.

B Jain Pharmaceuticals, an extension of B Jain Group of companies, vows by its virtues of Quality, Safety and Consistency. The organization has been able to continually deliver high grade of products and was able to acquire Indian GMP, Canadian GMP and ISO Certification- all in the first year of its foundation. ?

Trituration is a process of preparation of Homoeopathic medicines in which the homeopathic medicines are grinded alongwith sugar of milk in a mortar and pestle thereby reducing the drug substance into finest powder. Speciality of B. Jain Trituration Tablets Prepared as per Hahnemannian method of trituration Complete one hour batch trituration Pure HMS Lactose used as base Soft & easily dissolving tablets Packed in Easy to hold & dispense containers, with minimum chances of contamination. The procedure followed assures reproducible quality of each tablet


Bronchial affection
Increased uric acid








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