Omeo Uteroplus Syrup


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Excessive menstrual bleeding
Frequent and copious menstruation
Tendency to prolapse
Painful periods
Habitual tendency to abortion
Debility attending menopause
Associated frequent micturition & constipation
Associated backache

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The uterine hormonal disorders are manifested as amenorrhoea, menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding), metrorrhagia ( uterine bleeding other than menstruation), dyspareunia or dysmenorrhoea ( painful menstruation). Uterus is also a vulnerable organ , prone to fibroids, cysts, polyps, infections, metaplasias, metastasis and malignancies. Abnormal symptoms of the female genital tract should be carefully observed and treated as it is one of the most common sites for malignancies in female.
Omeo uterus is a highly recommended Bjain speciality product having marked effectiveness in relieving troubles associated with uterine functions and structural disorders. It is a combination product for complaints occurring in females during their reproductive phase and climacteric . It works curatively if taken along with constitutional homoeopathic treatment under the guidance of a physician.
Uterusor womb is a major organ of female reproductive system. Along with ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina, uterus allows a female to menstruate. It is the place in which a baby develops during pregnancy.
Menarche: The first menstrual cycle,occurs at the age of around 12 years.
Menopause: The permanent stoppage of menstrual cycle,occurs at the age of 45-50 yrs.
Common uterine disorders
Uterine fibroids
Endometrial cancer
Symptoms due to uterine disorders
Painful periods (Dysmenorrhea)
Excessive bleeding (Menorrhagia)
Bleeding in between periods (Metrorrhagia)
Pain during intercourse (Dyspareunia)
Pain during stools or urination
Frequent urination due to pressure on bladder
Constipation & bloatedness due to pressure on bowel
Pain in back and legs
Omeo Uteroplus Syrup
Aletris farinosa
Janosia ashoka
Helonias dioica
Thlaspi bursa pastoris
Action of Omeo Uteroplus Syrup:
Acts on vascular system of reproductive organs
Imparts tonicity to muscular fibers of the uterus
Also reduces liability to abort.
Excessive menstrual bleeding
Frequent and copious menstruation
Tendency to prolapse
Painful periods
Habitual tendency to abortion
Debility attending menopause
Associated frequent micturition & constipation
Associated backache
Key Highlights:
Helonias dioica- imparts tonicity to the muscular fibers of the uterus.
Thlaspi bursa pastoris- acts on vascular system of reproductive organs of women & relieves bleeding disorder.
Indicated in menopause.
Aletris farinosa & helonias dioica-reduces tendency to abortion.




Drops, Malt, Oil, Ointments, Powder, Roll On, Spray, Syrups, Tablets


100ML, 15GM, 15ML, 200ML, 250GM, 25GM, 30GM, 30ml, 50GM, 50ML, 60ML


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