The Homoeopathic Branchodilator
Bronchial catarrh
Soreness and ti ghtness of chest
Difficult raising of tough mucus
Breathlessness on lying down
Cough with dyspnea
Suffocation from great accumulati on of mucus.
Blatt a orientalis (4.8 %v/v), Justi cia adhatoda (2.8 %v/v), Senega (1.6 %v/v), Lobelia infl ata (1.6 %v/v), Ipecacuanha (1.6 %v/v), Grindelia robusta (1.6 %v/v), Magnesia phosphorica 2x(3.0%w/v), Alcohol content (10.5 %v/v), Excipients q.s. In syrup base
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