Burn-Rel Spray


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SBL Burn-Rel Spray can be helpful for the following symptoms:

Stinging pain, redness.
Rawness and Inflammation associated with burns & scalds, vesicles/blisters.
Acts as a skin barrier.

SKU: N/A Category:

Indication / Benefits
Burns are commonly caused by fire (gas stoves, candles, crackers) and scalds from hot liquids, steam, flammable liquids, and gasses. Other causes can be chemicals, electricity, sunlight, or radiation. Most burns are minor injuries that occur at home from hot water, an iron, or touching a hot stove.

Burns can cause swelling, blistering, scarring, and, in serious cases, shock and even death. They can also lead to infections because they damage the skin?s protective barrier.

SBL Burn-Rel Spray can be helpful for the following symptoms:

Stinging pain, redness.
Rawness and Inflammation associated with burns & scalds, vesicles/blisters.
Acts as a skin barrier.






10ML, 115ML, 180ML, 25GM, 30ml, 450GM, 450ML, 500ML, 50ML, 5ML, 60ML


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