The drug is associated with conditions related to eyes, uterus and cartilages. Signs that fall under this sphere are likeliness to formation of deposits in the joints, overstrain of the ocular muscles, sensation of extreme weakness and despair, sprains, complaints from straining of tendons and pain in all body parts of the body.
Head ? Signs such as bleeding from the nostrils and pain after excessive intake of alcohol.
Respiratory ? The remedy is effective for cough with a thick and yellow discharge, shortness of breath with tightness, weakness and painful spot in the breastbone.
Stomach ? Treats pain in the stomach and distressing state of abdomen.
Urinary ? As reported, it treats pressure in the bladder after passing urine, feeling of bladder being full and constant desire to pass urine.
Back ? It is beneficial for pain in the back and loins, backache and lower back pain that is worse in the morning before rising.
Other symptoms are found in ?
1. Rectum
2. Extremities
3. Eyes
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