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Mercurius Corrosivus is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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This remedy is one of the leading ones in the spasm of rectum which is not relieved by emptying the bowels.. This tenesmus involves the bladder as well and affects the secreting portions of the kidneys. The process may however be slow but is sure to give good effects. Albuminuria in the early pregnancy.

Head ? Treats delusions, congestion of the head with the burning in the cheeks, frontal sinusitis and pain in the vascular tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints.

Ears ? Violent throbbing and smelly pus.

Face ? When the face is swollen, red, bloated, black, issues with the gyms and teeth and pain within the trigeminal nerve in the face.

Mouth ? As reported, it is effective for loose teeth, purple, swollen and spongy gums, inflamed tongue, constant salty and bitter taste, hypersalivation and serious gum infection.

Stomach ? Relieves incessant green vomiting and sensitivity in the upper abdomen.

Abdomen ? The remedy keeps a check on bruised sensation, pain in the intraperitonial pouch and large intestine, bloated and painful to touch.

Stool ? As per literature, it works on stool which is hot, bloody, slimy with pains and shreds of the mucous membrane, inflammation in the intestines and a continuous inclination to empty the bowels.

Fever ? Chilly from even the slightest exposure, sweating with a cold surface.

Male ? Swollen penis and testicles, thick greenish discharge and open of the urethra as red, swollen, sore and hot.

Other symptoms can be found in ?
1. Eyes
2. Throat
3. Urine
4. Nose
5. Respiratory








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, 6C


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