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Ammonium Carbonicum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Ammonium carbonicum is also known as sal volatile, sesqui carbonate of ammonia. It is a chemical compound with chemical formula (NH4)2CO3CO2.

What is Ammonium carbonicum used for?
Ammonium carbonicum is most commonly used in 30th potency. Various Ammonium carbonicum 30 uses are seen in the following condition:-

Under oxygenation of blood and sluggish blood flow with consequent sensitivity to cold open air and somnolence.

? Haemorrhages especially from nose on washing the face and hands in the morning or after eating. The blood tends to rush to the nose even when stooping.

? Loss of breath on falling asleep where the patient must awaken to get breath.

? Menstrual troubles where menses are premature, copious, dark with accompanying bleeding piles, or pain in abdomen, loins or toothache. There is cholera like symptoms before menses.

? Ulcerations that tend to become gangrenous, especially the tonsils.

? Stoppage of nose mainly at night that causes the person to breathe through the mouth.

? Emphysema with dry cough as if tickling in throat as from dust every morning from 3-4am.

What are the aggravating and ameliorating factors for Ammonium carbonicum?
Ammonium carbonicum patients are aggravated by

Cold open air

Cold and damp weather

Wet poultices

Ammonium carbonicum patients get amelioration from

Pressure such as from lying on abdomen or the painful side.

Dry weather

What kind of patient best responds to the action of Ammonium carbonicum?

Ammonium carbonicum benefits are best seen in scrofulous children, stout and sedentary women who easily catch cold in winter and have to use smelling- bottle for it.

Ammonium carbonicum homeopathy medicine is of great significance. It is commonly used in 30th potency. Ammonium carbonicum 30 is best suited to scrofulous children and stout women who live a sedentary life and get tired easily. They also have a tendency to catch cold easily with stoppage of nose. Mentally the Ammonium carbonicum patient tends to have ill humour during wet stormy weather and the children dislike washing.








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, 6C


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