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Acidum Carbolicum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Acidum Carbolicum is also known as phenol. Its chemical formula is C6H5OH and it is an aromatic organic compound. It is volatile and mildly acidic. Phenol is a precursor or active ingredient in a wide variety of drugs such as aspirin, many herbicides, and other pharmaceutical drugs.

What are the Carbolicum Acidum uses in homeopathy?
It is used to treat many conditions such as acne, burns, carbuncle, cholera, constipation, diabetes, dyspepsia, gangrene, uremia, intermittent fever, displacement of uterus, erysipelas, hydrocephalus, leprosy, pneumonia, psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor, meningitis, and ulcers.

What are the characteristic symptoms of Acidum Carbolicum?
These are:-

Pains are terrible and they come and go suddenly.

Discharges are foul, destructive, burning, and at times bloody.

Physical exertion causes abscess in one part of the body or another.

The acuteness of smell is very marked.

Marked prostration resulting in even paralysis.

Many complaints are better from smoking.

Thus Acidum Carbolicum homeopathy medicine is of great significance to us. It is commonly used from third to the thirtieth potency. Its use as an antiseptic and anesthetist is well known. It acts on the mucus membranes, heart, blood, and respiration and characteristically causes marked prostration, terrible pains that come and go suddenly, and very foul and destructive discharges.








1M, 200C, 30C, 6C


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