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Acidum Benzoicum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Acidum Benzoicum is a colorless or white solid that is derived from gum benzoin. It is obtained from gum benzoin by the process of sublimation. It is known to be the simplest of all aromatic carboxylic acids. Its chemical formula is C6H5CO2H. It is found in nature in many plants and animals. Salts of benzoic acid are used for making food preservatives. Industrially it is used for synthesis of other organic material. It is metabolized and excreted by humans as hippuric acid.

What are the various Acidum Benzoicum uses in homeopathy?
There are various uses and benefits of Acidum Benzoicum in homeopathy. It is used to treat conditions like asthma, enuresis, ailments of urinary bladder, affections of joints such as gout, knee pain, and wrist ganglion, gonorrhea, enlarged tonsils, tumors of eyes, Menier?s disease, and ulcers of the throat and tongue.

What are the characteristic features of Acidum Benzoicum that indicate its prescription in homeopathy?
There are many characteristic symptoms of Benzoicum acidum. These are as follows:-

Presence of concomitant symptoms of strong-smelling urine along with any pathology is strongly indicative of Acidum Benzoicum. The urine is strong smelling like ammoniac or horse?s urine and generally dark brown. It is often used in the treatment of enuresis nocturna in old men and children, bunion of great toe, ganglion of wrist, etc based on this concomitant symptom.
Sudden change in the locality of pains which are otherwise mostly felt in the region of heart. Symptoms tend to appear left side first then move to the right side.
Benzoic acid patient is found to be inclined to dwell on the unpleasant matter. For example, if he sees anyone who is deformed it makes him shudder.
In diarrhea, the stools are light-colored, watery, and very offensive. It is commonly found in children. The stools look like soapsuds and are associated with strong-smelling urine usually. There may be shivering before stools.
The cough in Benzoic acid is dry, long-continued, and results from suppression of gonorrhea.
The tongue in Benzoic acid is spongy on the surface along with spreading ulcers and deep cracks.
What are the factors that increase or decrease the sufferings of Acidum Benzoicum?
Most symptoms in Benzoic acid are aggravated by motion. However, toothache and headache in Acidum Benzoicum are aggravated by lying down and at rest respectively.

Benzoic acid is chilly medicine. Most of its symptoms get increased on exposure to open air and by uncovering and are better by heat.

The throat symptoms of Benzoic acid, such as a sensation of a lump in the pit of throat, get better by eating.

Acidum Benzoicum homeopathic remedy has limited but characteristic effects on human body. It is a medicine for uric acid diathesis. It is best suited when any pathology is characteristically associated with offensive urine as if horse?s urine. Based on this it has been successfully used to treat bunion of great toe, ganglion of wrist joint, prolapsed uterus, and enuresis in children and old men.








1M, 200C, 30C, 6C


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