Affections of the ovaries, right side, inflammation of the ovaries (right side), adnexitis, salpingitis, parametritis. Cysts and benign tumours of the ovaries, oedema of the larynx, after-effects of stynx and for a beginning of inflammation of the appendix.
The combined action of the various elements concentrates on the right side of the abdomen.
Apis mellifica: Specific action on burning pains in the abdomen (right side) as found in inflammation of the ovaries. Beneficient action on cysts by resorption.
Arsenicum album: Remedy with specific action in renal disorders (right side) and renal colic. Characteristics: Agitation and discouragement caused, in this case by annexitis, parametritis, salpingitis and other affections of the right side.
Bryonia: Lessens inflammation of the appendix.
Main symptom: Improvement when resting and under pressure. Inflammation of the abdomen (improvement brought when Iying on the side affected) .
Sulfur: Increases the effect of Apis while completing it. Reducing itching and psoric disorders which always follow ovary affections.
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