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Aurum Metallicum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Aurum Metallicum is a homeopathy medicine used to treat some diseases and symptoms such as:
Syphilitic infections
Great desire to commit suicide
Nightly paroxysms of pain behind sternum.
Sclerosis of the liver, arterial system, brain.
When the person is low spirited, lifeless, weak memory.

People may experience:
1. Mind- The feeling of self-criticism and complete worthlessness, feelings of suicide, increase in blood pressure, constant urge to ask questions without waiting for the answers. Patients become oversensitive to noise, excitement, and confusion. In all these situations Aurum Metallicum is reported to be effective.

2. Head- Aurum Metallicum is described in the classical literature for the violent pain in the head which becomes worse at night, tearing through the brain to the forehead. The intense pain in bones extends to face, congestion to head and boils on the scalp can be seen.

3. Eyes- This remedy is traditionally used as best for the people who complaint double vision, see fiery objects, unbearable pain around the eye, soreness all around the eyes and into the eyeballs.

4. Nose- Aurum Metallicum is known to cure inflammation of the nose, pain, swelling, clogging, fetid discharge, bloody, the pain in the nose becomes worse at night, stinking smell from nose and mouth.

5. Mouth- A foul breath in girls at adolescenceand taste becoming putrid or bitter are covered.

6. Stomach- The increased appetite and thirst, burning sensation in the stomach and constant belching and burping are reported symptoms.

7. Heart- Constant sensation as if the heart stopped beating for two or three seconds, immediately followed by a disturbed rebound, with sinking at the epigastrium. Palpitation- when the heart beats too fast or too hard. The rapid rate of pulse, weak, irregular. Muscle hypertrophy, High Blood Pressure, and valvular lesions. As per literatures, Aurum Metallicum is a powerful medicine to deal with these critical symptoms effectively.

8. Respiratory- It is suits if a person comes across Dyspn?a, which causes difficulty in breathing at night, frequent and deep breathing.

9. Bones- The extreme destruction of bones, pain in bones of the head, formations of lumps under the scalp, chronic pain in bones often termed as exostoses, soreness of affected bones, better in the open air, but worse at night; all these severe conditions can be reportedly controlled with Aurum Metallicum.

10. Extremities- This medicine is cited to be efficient to cure the severe situations such as pain in lower limbs, paralytic, tearing pains in joints, weak knees. All the blood seems to rush from head to lower legs.








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, CM


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