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Antimonium Tartaricum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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The application is mainly on respiratory diseases where the rattling mucus with very little sputum is the key symptom. This is associated with drowsiness, sweat, chills, pain in the muscles, gastric affections and gouty subjects, sensation of coldness in the blood vessels, acute rhinitis of bladder and urethra, burning in the rectum, blood filled stools, etc. This drug indirectly acts on the parasites by invigorating the oxidizing action of the substance.

It also works on the shaking of the whole body, faintness, pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back, chills or warts on the glans penis.

Tongue ? Antimonium tartaricum covers the tongue with coated, thick white and pasty texture especially in the center.

Face ? It is an effective remedy for cold and pale face covered with cold sweat. It also helps in constant quivering of the lower jaw and the chin.

Skin ? It treats warts, small pox and the pus eruptions that leave a bluish-red mark.

Fever ? Symptoms such as coldness, shivering, cold jitters, heat, sweating, weakness with faintness and fever with sluggish condition is curbed.

Sleep ? Treats uncontrollable want of sleep, drowsiness and getting sudden shocks while sleeping.

Modalities ? Complaints worse in the evening, from lying down, at night, from warmth, sour things, milk, damp weather and better from sitting straight and belching.

Other symptoms found in ?
Back Respiratory Organs
Head and Mind








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, 6C


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