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Anacardium Orientale is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Anacardium orientale is also known as semecarpus anacardium or marking nut. It belongs to the natural order anacardiaceae. For the preparation of the mother tincture, the layer of the nut present between the shell and the kernel is triturated.

What Are The Various Benefits Of Anacardium Orientale?
Anacardium orientale benefits are seen in the treatment of various clinical conditions such as alcoholism, examination funk, memory loss, mental weakness, brain fag, hysteria, insanity, dyspepsia, constipation, hemorrhoids, elephantiasis, affections of the heart such as palpitation, affection of skin such as pemphigus and eczema, affections of the spine such as paralysis, whooping cough, warts, vomiting of pregnancy and writer?s cramp.

What Are The Various Indications To Prescribe Anacardium Orientale?
The various indications for the prescription of Anacardium orientale are:-

The sensation of a hoop or band around the affected part is present with most of the complaints.
Headaches are mainly the gastric or nervous type of sedentary people. This headache becomes worse on lying down in bed at night when falling asleep and during motion and work.
Most of the symptoms get better when eating due to which the person eats and drinks hastily. He is apt to choke when eating and drinking.
The sensation of fasting is ?all gone? in the stomach comes when the stomach is empty and is better by eating.
Warts on palms of hands.
The desire for stool is present but on making effort the desire passes away without any stool. The rectum is as if paralyzed or powerless with a characteristic sensation as if the rectum is plugged up.
Coryza with palpitation, especially in the aged.
Pressing in the ears as from a plug with a hardness of hearing.
Neurotic eczema or lichen planus with intense itching, vesicular eruption, swelling and mental irritability.
Spells of sleeplessness that last for several nights.
Pressure-like the plug on upper orbit with an indistinct vision as if objects are too far off.
What Kind Of Patient Best Response To The Action Of Anacardium Orientale?
Anacardium orientale acts best among the following patients:-

Neurasthenics who have a type of nervous dyspepsia get characteristically relieved by eating food.
Patients who have a sudden loss of memory such that everything seems to be in a dream. Such patients are greatly troubled by their forgetfulness which makes them confused and unfit for business.
Patients with depression and irritability who seems bent on wickedness. They are as disposed to be malicious and have an irresistible desire to curse and swear.
Patients who lack confidence in themselves and others and feel as if they have two wills, one commanding them to do what the other forbids.
Patients who are anxious especially when walking as they feel as if someone was following them and suspect everything around them.
Hypochondriacs who suffer from hemorrhoids with constipation.
Patients who have a strange temper tend to laugh at serious matters and are serious over laughable things.
Patients with a diminution of senses whether of smell, sight or hearing respond very well to Anacardium.
Anacardium orientale homeopathic medicine is of great significance. Anacardium orientale 6c, Aanacardium orientale 30c and Anacardium orientale 200 are the most commonly used potency in routine practice. Anacardium orientale uses are well defined. It is especially indicated when the mind, nerves, joints or muscles are affected. It acts best in patients who are neurasthenics. Such patients lack physical or mental power. Even the special senses such as sight, hearing and touch etc. are found to be weakened. Most of their symptoms are present with the characteristic sensation as if a hoop or band is there around the affected part which gets better during the process of digestion.








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, 6C, CM


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