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Amygdalus Amara is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Amygdalus amara is also called as Prunus dulcis var. amara or Bitter Almond tree. The seeds of the tree Prunus dulcis var. dulcis (Almond tree) are mostly sweet but some variants produce seeds that are bitter in taste and are poisonous in nature. The seeds from Prunus dulcis var. amara or Amygdalus amara are always bitter, like the kernels from other species of Prunus, like apricot (Prunus armeniaca), peach (Prunus persica), and plum (Prunus domestica). Similar to bitter almond, these volatile oils are considered poisonous.

Sweet almond is produced from one type of almond tree (Prunus amygdalus var. dulcis) and does not contain poisonous chemicals. Bitter almond comes from a different type of almond tree (Prunus amygdalus var. amara) and does contain toxic chemicals.

The extract of bitter almond was known to be used medicinally for conditions such as stretch marks, spasms, pain, and cough but the resulting effects were lethal or fatal especially in children due to the higher amounts of cyanide in bitter almond but the homeopathic preparation doesn?t produce such undesired effects.

Amygdalus Amara Homeopathy

Amygdalus amara CH is prepared from the mother tincture that is extracted from the kernels of the Bitter almonds through the process of dilution. It is indicated for conditions like acute asthma, epilepsy, syncope, urticaria, ischuria, and haematuria.

Amygdalus Amara Uses

Amygdalus amara CH is used to treat vomiting of different kinds such as that of morning sickness, gastric irritation, vomiting from cough, etc. These conditions are associated with constant nausea. It is also indicated in cases of irritation of the eyes, loss of smell and taste, elongated and pointed tongue with redness of edges, pain through tonsils, dark and sore throat with difficulty in swallowing, difficulty breathing, constriction of the throat, cough with soreness of the chest and cold sweats.

It is also a good nerve tonic and is useful in treating convulsions with sudden involuntary movements of the limbs.

The homeopathic medicine Amygdalus amara has proven to be effective in many cases but it is better to take the medicine under the advice of a homeopathic physician.








200C, 30C, 6C


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