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Acidum Phosphoricum is made from genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

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Acidum Phosphoricum, or Acid Phos in short, is a homeopathic remedy made by potentizing phosphoric acid. It is a useful homeopathic remedy with a wide sphere of action. Although the remedy is frequently employed for problems of falling hair, its utility is by no means limited to this condition.

Acidum Phosphoricum is especially suited to persons who have been worn out by long-standing grief, exhausting illnesses, loss of vital fluids, etc. They are overtaxed mentally and physically. Below are some from a wide range of symptoms experienced by patients requiring this remedy:

Weak memory, difficulty collecting thoughts, restless and apathetic.
Hair falling and premature greying of hairs.
Head pains from eye strain and sensitivity to noise with difficult hearing.
Dry and cracked lips and bleeding gums.
Heaviness of abdomen and sleepiness after eating. Flatulence. Nausea after sour meals.
Involuntary, flatulent stools in delicate children.
Frequent urination at night. Sugar in the urine ? as the remedy covers this symptom it comes in handy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
In lactating women, scanty milk, and weakness after nursing.
Difficulty breathing with weak feeling in the chest.
Pimples, acne, ulcers, boils, and rashes all come under the scope of this remedy.
Low types of fevers with chill.
Clinically, the medicine is called for into consideration in cases of bronchitis, diarrhea, nervous weakness, alopecia, impotence, etc. Diabetes, bone complaints and hemorrhages are some other conditions benefitted by this remedy.

The mother tincture of this remedy finds its use predominantly in managing diabetes mellitus. Exhaustion due to loss of fluids can also be treated with this mother tincture. It also helps improve memory and concentration.

POTENCY: Acidum Phosphoricum homeopathic remedy is available in multiple potencies, such as Acidum Phosphoricum 30, Acidum Phosphoricum 200, Acidum Phosphoricum 1M, and others. The choice of potency is as per age, sensitivity, and symptoms of the patient.

DOSAGE: There are quite a few ways to take homeopathic medicines. Sometimes, a low potency is prescribed at frequent repetitions. Other times, a single high dose may be given and left to work for months even. The choice of dosage (and potency) rests on a multitude of factors. Age and sensitivity of the patient feature mainly here. Also, certain disease conditions (those with few characteristic symptoms as per homeopathic standards) require lower potencies than others. Hence, it rests on the understanding and discretion of the physician to select an appropriate dosage and potency.

MODE OF INTAKE: Homeopathic medicines are commonly taken as pills. They can, however, also be taken in liquid form. Indeed, mother tinctures are generally taken by mixing a few drops in water. All the modes of intake are equally effective. The choice rests with the patient and the prescriber.

SIDE EFFECTS: Homeopathic medicines barely produce any side effects. No adverse effects are seen in infants, pregnant or lactating women and even old people on intake of homeopathic remedies.

To get the best out of a remedy, and also to avoid any unforeseen events, it is best to take any medicine only after consultation with a licensed physician.








10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 50M, 6C


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