Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common type of male dysfunction; it may cause stress, cause relationship problems, or affect self-confidence. The problem can affect any age group, but more common as men age.
SBL Bio-Combination 27 is a homoeopathic medicine that is useful in the treatment of weakness and debility.
SBL Bio-Combination 27 contains a balanced combination of essential biochemical salts that help in maintaining optimum electrolyte balance and vitality in our body. It is also effective in the treatment of lassitude and premature ejaculation.
SBL Bio-Combination 27 can be helpful for the following symptoms:
Lack of vitality.
General debility.
Nervousness and weakness.
Nocturnal emissions.
Premature ejaculation.
Calcarea phosphorica 3x HPI
Kali phosphoricum 3x HPI
Natrum muriaticum 3x HPI
In equal proportion
Excipients q. s. to 1 tablet of 100mg
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