Skin is the large organ that covers and protects your body. Some common diseases include acne, alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis (eczema), psoriasis, Raynaud?s phenomenon, and rosacea.
SBL Bio-Combination 20 treats the skin that becomes dry and cracked.
SBL Bio-Combination 20 can be helpful for the following symptoms:
Skin disease and acne.
Postoperative adhesion and sycotic excrescences.
Herpes and similar eruptive diseases.
Eruptions on the scalp and whitlow
Calcarea fluorica 3x HPI
Calcarea sulphurica 3x HPI
Kali sulphuricum 3x HPI
Natrum muriaticum 3x HPI
Natrum sulphuricum 3x HPI
In equal proportion
Excipients q. s. to 1 tablet of 100mg
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